Be a part of Scottish history and own the Official Jewish Tartan. It's finally arrived! For over 300 years Scots Jews have waited for their own tartan and now, here it is! The official Jewish Tartan is an authentic Scottish made tartan created by Heritage Experts and Rabbis. It is the only Scottish Jewish Tartan approved and registered by the Scottish Tartans Authority and it is available direct from Jewishtartan.com or internationally renowned weavers Lochcarron of Scotland.
Initiated by Rabbi Mendel Jacobs, the only Scottish born Rabbi living in Scotland, it's 100 per cent Kosher, being a non wool-linen mix, and as it incorporates many aspects of Scottish-Jewish cultural and religious history, it is the perfect representation of our heritage. Rabbi Mendel said: "For over three hundred years Scots Jews have waited for their own tartan and now here it is. Scotland has a rich tapestry of culture and history and for many years has welcomed other people into its midst. " The Jewish people have been an integral part of Scottish Culture for more than 300 years, with the first Jew recorded in Edinburgh in 1691. In Scotland, the Jews were never persecuted and there were no pogroms, no Holocaust, no national or state sponsored antisemitic laws. When England was burning and exiling its Jews in the Middle Ages, Scotland provided a safe haven from English and European anti-
Semitism." "As well as being a non-woolen 100 per cent Kosher mix, the colours, weave and number of threads in the Jewish Tartan have all been picked for their relevance to Judaism. Rabbi Mendel said: "The blue and white represents the colours of the Israeli and Scottish flag with the central gold line representing the gold from the Biblical Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant and the many ceremonial vessels. The silver is from the decorations that adorn the Scroll of the Law and the red represents the traditional red Kiddush wine. There are seven lines in the central motif and three in the flag representations, both numbers of great significance. Director of the Scottish Tartans Authority Brian Wilton said: "We have been working on this with Rabbi Mendel, since the start of the year and he believes it will be popular, not only in Scotland, but around the world. Generations of Scots are of the Jewish faith so there is no reason why it shoudn't be." Although some other bodies have now expressed an interest in creating a similar tartan, the Scottish Tartans authority say there can be only one official Jewish Tartan. Brian added: "We only have one Jewish Tartan on the register and it's certainly a case of first come first served. We couldn't register two tartans with exactly the same name." Internationally renowned weavers Lochcarron of Scotland through the recommendation of The Scottish Tartans Authority have vested an interest in manufacturing the Jewish Tartan. Rabbi Mendel runs Scotland's fastest growing synagogue and is one of the emisaries of the Chabad Lubavitch movement, the largest Jewish outreach organisation in the world.
The Jewish Tartan arrived in time for Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations.

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