Best Scottish Food. Scottish cooking is enjoying a renaissance as restaurants and cookery writers look to the past and traditional recipes for inspiration. Catherine Brown's book is a resource for these recipes, with glimpses into traditional eating habits and Scottish seasonal festivities. Guided by the guardians of Scotland's culinary treasures, the farmers, fishermen, artisans and craftspeople in the food industry who follow the natural rhythm of the seasons as they grow, harvest, smoke, cure, preserve and cook food - she suggests a return to tracking down quality ingredients in season and their local suppliers. From the traditional Celtic New Year now celebrated as Halloween, she follows the year, rediscovering the Celtic festivals of Beltane and Lammas. Whether it's Caledonian Cream or strawberry eating-jam; roast grouse, Scotch beef, or seared salmon steaks; iced summer soup or Clapshot with Burnt Onions, Catherine Brown has sourced a working, tried and trusted recipe with the story behind it, and presents a recipe book for our time. Classic Scots Cookery
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