Best Scottish Humour. The Crack. The Best of Glasgow Humour. The shortsighted lady in the baker's shop was peering at the display of cakes under the glass. 'Tell me, dear,' she asked the girl at the counter, pointing at one confection in particular, 'I've come out without my glasses. Is that a doughnut or a meringue?' 'Naw, you're absolutely right, missis. It's a doughnut OK' What do you call an illegitimate insect? A fly bastart Why wasn't Jesus born in Glasgow? They couldn't find a virgin or three wise men As this book amply demonstrates, humour is one of the cornerstones of Glasgow life. A look at the history of popular entertainment in the city shows that Glasgow has always enjoyed a good laugh, and the home-grown variety best of all. Professional comedians often shared the same background as their audiences, and the drawbacks of tenement life provided a rich source of comic potential which was tapped by many of Glasgow's best-known comics. In this new and expanded edition of his best-selling book, Michael Munro has produced a hilarious compendium of the wit and wisdom of Glasgow. While many of the jokes and stories are 'classics' that continue to amuse today, either in their original form or updated to reflect contemporary tastes and preoccupations, The Crack also includes a huge amount of material that will be new to many. As this hilarious collection shows, no subject, sacred or profane, is safe from scrutiny and the Glasgow tongue respects no bounds of taste. The Crack: The Best of Glasgow Humour
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